03 Jun Feldenkrais Awareness Though Movement
What is Feldenkrais?
The Feldenkrais Method, developed by Moshe Feldenkrais, is the application of mindful movement based on the principles of physics, biomechanics, psychology, motor development, and martial arts. This method allow us to reconnect and redirect our perception of how our body moves and develops.
There are two types of Feldenkrais practices – awareness through movement and functional integration sessions. Awareness through movement guides participants through slow, mindful movements to improve overall strength, flexibility, and the mind-body connection (1).
- Move better
- Improve flexibility, balance, posture
- Lower stress & fatigue
- Reduce risk of injuries
- Manage pain
- Assists in active aging and quality of life
Clicking the link below will direct you to a 5-minute YouTube video explaining more about the Feldenkrais Method.